How to Apply to Become a Certified Memorialist

The first step to becoming a Certified Memorialist® is to complete the CM Application. The application includes the participation activity form and MBNA’s Code of Good Practice. You must agree to adhere to both.  There is a $300 processing and examination fee for MBNA members and an $800 fee for non-members. Registration for the CM exam includes a digital copy of the CM Manual to help you prepare for the exam. Applicants MUST acquire 50 CEUs/Points and pass the exam (in no particular order) within one (1) year of their application date to earn their credential. 

Upon certification, a Certified Memorialist® will be entitled to use the CM initial after their name on all forms of business correspondence. Each new CM will be given a lapel pin and plaque in recognition at MBNA’s Annual Convention Awards Luncheon.

The CM Exam is now online! Find out if you’re qualified by following the links or contacting MBNA at 800-233-4472 or

Need to recertify your CM? Recertify here!